This three-part webinar series will provide valuable insights from industry leaders on transforming investment portfolios to achieve greater social and environmental impact.

Here is the first webinar in the series, “How Trusts and Foundations can unlock significant impact through investment complementing their grants.”

This webinar series is designed to go alongside the case study (summarised and linked below) published by Brightlight Impact in partnership with Menzies Foundation.   

Case study:How Trusts and Foundations are Revolutionising Philanthropy with Responsible and Impact Investing.”

This case study  by Brightlight in Partnership with Menzies Foundation shares valuable learnings, including the importance of internal alignment, the intricacies of portfolio restructuring, and the impact of strategic investment decisions.

Further to this, within the case study, the overall alignment highlights the global trend toward impact investing, showcasing a variety of experiences from Charitable Trusts and Foundations around the world; collectively emphasising the shared challenges and strategic responses faced, demonstrating a growing movement towards a more responsible investment ethos.

Read the Case Study here: How Trusts and Foundations are Revolutionising Philanthropy with Responsible and Impact Investing.”

Menzies Foundation partners with Brightlight to navigate Impact investing

Over the past two years, the Menzies Foundation has undertaken a comprehensive review of its investment strategies, aligning them more closely with its core values. A key component is the integration of the ABC (Avoid/Benefit/Contribute) framework into the Foundation’s Investment Policy, signalling a commitment to responsible impact investing.

This approach not only reflects a deepened commitment to ethical investment but also amplifies the Foundation’s ability to make meaningful social and environmental contributions, extending its impact well beyond traditional grant making. 

Through these efforts, the Menzies Foundation is not just adapting to the evolving philanthropic environment; it is actively shaping it, setting a new standard for how Foundations can leverage their assets for the ‘greater good’.

In partnership with investment management firm, Brightlight Impact, the Menzies Foundation is navigating the complex landscape of impact investing. Brightlight Impact’s role extends beyond mere advisory; it acts as a river guide, helping the Foundation address critical stakeholder concerns and align its investment portfolio with its philanthropic goals.

The journey involves rigorous examination and recalibration of investment strategies, underpinned by the Foundation’s commitment to leadership, purpose, and the ‘greater good’. 

See Part 2: The Great Shift Webinar Series

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