The Impact Investment Summit 2024 will feature a series of live, on-stage pitches by a select group of impact funds, organisations and social enterprises looking to raise capital. This is a highly efficient format for sophisticated and institutional investors to learn about Australian and international impact investment opportunities.
Investors have made it clear that they want to see more investment ready impact deals.
ImpactConnect delivers on growing investor demand for more deal flow and drive more capital to impact investments. Investors will have the opportunity to source new deals, ask questions directly from those pitching and evaluate the investment opportunities presented.
It will showcase new investment opportunities generating impact where needed: in housing, climate, environment, diversity and inclusion, innovation and tech. This will take place in the ImpactConnect Deals Room, where investment opportunities will be showcased in 5 x 45 minute sessions over the two days of the Summit.
ImpactConnect enables investors to use their time efficiently at the Summit:
- choosing the pitches they’d like to see,
- opportunities to apply and invest for measurable impact,
- connect and exchange ideas with leading impact fund managers and entrepreneurs,
- gain valuable insights to help form educated impact investment decisions.
The first six participating funds and enterprises presenting at ImpactConnect are:

The Australian Unity Specialist Disability Accommodation Fund
Specialist disability accommodation (SDA) is a developing market with only a handful of scaled investment funds operating within it. Like all Australian Unity Funds, the SDA Fund relies upon expert management with best-in-class sector experience to develop and execute strategy to establish the most meaningful SDA projects to best benefit Participants and provide above market returns to investors.
For more on this opportunity click here.

Australian Ethical Infrastructure Debt Fund
The Australian Ethical Infrastructure Debt Fund offers investors the opportunity to be part of Australia’s clean energy transition. The Fund invests in infrastructure debt, which provides financing to renewable energy projects, and may also provide funding for social infrastructure and property projects with a social or environmental benefit.
For more on this opportunity click here.

AFIP African Forestry Investment Platform
AFIP’s investment strategy seeks to establish a large scale, long-term and value creation focused, actively managed investment platform which will deploy capital across the forest landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa (including Sudan and South Sudan). It is focused on impact investing through developing markets investing with focus on climate, socioeconomic development and import substitution through a combination of timber sales with carbon credits. It seeks to deliver a nominal net return of 10-10.5% with an annual cash yield of 2-4%.
For more on this opportunity click here.

Re-visioning Rushcutters and Rewilding Ironcove
Seeking seed stage investors for Re-visioning Rushcutters as equity or grant funding. Initial investment of $200,000 required, with potential for further investment in the second stage. Rewilding Ironcove, the larger second stage project, requires $1M investment in social enterprise Blue Green Australia, a Standard Valuation Cap of $3M.
For more on this opportunity click here.

Unlock the potential of impact enterprises worldwide to achieve the SDGs with LendForGood
LendForGood is seeking $2m from investors who share our ambition of mobilising $1b of impact lending per year. This is a unique opportunity to provide catalytic finance to build a new capital market and unlock the potential of 1000s of impact enterprises around the world.
For more on this opportunity click here.

Barwon Disability Accommodation Fund
The Barwon Disability Accommodation Fund (BDAF) or (Fund) provides investors an opportunity to gain exposure to the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) sector through a scaled, established and diversified portfolio of existing residential housing purpose-designed to accommodate people with disability in our communities who have extreme function impairment or very high support needs and are eligible for rental support under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
The fund seeks to deliver an 8 – 10% total return, with a 5 – 7% distribution yield, alongside the clear social impact associated with providing housing to better enable people with disability to live independently within our communities.
For more on this opportunity click here.